Friday, August 13, 2010

The crazy adventures of Rachel and the shinannigans she gets up to. (PART II)

"In my reach, I can see, there's a life out there for me..."
- Gabrielle

Hello and good afternoon to all my little bloggers :)

How are we all? I hope you guys are prepared for the most massive, epic, shocking, wonderful, surprising blog EVER!

You would NOT believe the things I have seen and done since last blogging (my last blog being sometime during the stone age).

I have travelled half way around the earth, been told to "take a chance" by some African guy trying to sell me a magnet at the market, left all my fears behind, been bored to death, tripped over my own pants, thought I might be depressed, been utterly inspired, seen beautiful things, heard amazing stories and have had my outlook on life turned upside down (in a good way!).

Crazy huh?

Welcome to my sometimes tragic, sometimes amazing or even plain breath taking life.

Now, if we went back two weeks ago, in fact, if this was me two weeks ago, I would no doubt, be filling this page with sad, and down right draining words and thoughts.

I was stuck, you see, in a place where I felt that behind every smile was deception, and I felt pretty alone. I felt sick just looking at the places around me, the unchanging places, and with them, unchanging people. Every single task I did was tedious, and I could barely ever keep awake, always zoning out to space. I was using up most of my energy just putting on a smile for everyone and seeming like I had it all together. After enduring one long day, which to me felt like ten years, I would use my remaining energy to just go home. There is nothing wrong with my life, I have a loving family, beautiful friends, and a roof over my head. That's the thing though. I still felt as if something was missing, and I got to the stage where I really felt lonely and thought I needed someone.
I needed an escape. Badly.

So one day during school, I was at my locker and remembered my Uncle Grant, who works for an airline, and had promised to take me overseas sometime soon. In a burst of hope, I got out my phone and typed away.

Soon enough he texted me back, and sure enough, the next week, we were on a plane flying to Africa. Yep, Africa. It came as a shock to me too, I literally squealed an jumped up and down. I probably looked like a nutter, now that I think of it. Oh well.

And as I was flying somewhere over Africa, I let my minds guard down and started thinking about love. Now, I have been trying to avoid thinking about the matter completely, and it was going alright up until I ran out of things to distract myself with. I know what they say, that something happens when you least excpect it. So I am trying my best to not excpect it, so I am expecting it to happen as I am "not excpecting" it.

You with me?

But then I got to thinking, does that even count? Maybe I'm just plain crazy, and thinking way too much into this and freaking out the people reading this blog (haha silly me)!

So as I am "not excpecting it" let's move on, shall we?

My week in Africa was over all amazing. It was just the refreshing experience I needed to give me a slap on the face, and tell me to get up off the ground, dust myself off, look around and be truly happy with what I am so very lucky to have.

I met this one woman, Juliana, who takes donated clothes to Africa and lets people who can't afford their own clothes pick things they want from the donations. She was absolutely inspiring. I hope to be more like her when I'm older. She is one of those people that everyone knows, because she is so out there, and she has this aura around her which just lights up the room she is in.

After meeting her I felt inspired to be that much more positive about life, and have been wearing a smile on my face since then.

Of course I also went on safari, and that was double cool with knobs on.

As I flew home, I decided to take life as it comes, and enjoy the bumps along the way. The whole 11 hour trip home, I didn't think about love once.

Buuuuut, when I got home last night, I decided to crack open one of my many love story movies.

I picked Becoming Jane and cried.

Yeah yeah, I know, I thought about how they couldn't be together and I cried. Yes, cried. No, not a couple of tears, think more along the lines of muffled, irrepressible sobs. It was more like some sort of a fit really.
So sue me!
It's a sad movie!

So yes, of course while watching that movie I thought of love, and maybe the fact I cried so much is because I felt like that was what was missing in my life, but hey, I'm sixteen, one second I'm craving love, then before you know it -like someone flicked a switch- I'm craving strange combinations of food. Or it could just be a case of my raging teenage hormones.

Well, that updates you about my recent doings and shinnanigans, and I must be off.

I bid you goodnight, and here are some pictures of the character "Tom" in the movie Becoming Jane. I'm not sure where they are on the page as I don't get the upload image system on this crazy website, but nevertheless,

Rachel x