Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bloggy bloggy bloggy.

Oh lordy be.

I just got back from the orthodontist, as I recently got my horrific braces off. I thought today would be the day that they would tell me I don't need to wear my retainer full time anymore, but nooooo.
I have been waiting, and looking forward to this day, just for them to tell me that I need to keep wearing the stupid thing till December.


Honestly. I have parties to go to. People to see. Things to do.

I guess tmy teeth do still feel a bit movey movey, but I have no time to be putting the stupid retainer in and out of my gob!

But, retainer aside, I have decided to turn my life around and take steps towards the new me.

Step 1: A new hairstyle (cheeeck).
Step 2: No more fat in packets, or, as we know it, junk food. (almost check).
Step 3: More excercise to turn the flab forming on my stomach into ab (beginning of a check).
Step 4: Reconnect with my spiritual side and find inner peace (oooohhhhmmmmmmm).
Step 5: And finally, stop thinking about boys (no idea how to do that but I guess I can find distractions, like shopping [: ).

I found out my cat likes cheese you know, she ate half of the bit I cut for myself! At first I thought she was attacking it, but then I realised she was eating it.
Pointless for you to know really, but, ho hum, pigs bum.

Okay, I'd better go now, I have homework that needs to be stared at.

Sionaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for now!

Rachel x


  1. One it will happen... never had to wear braces, good luck with your homework.

  2. Thanks haha (:
    I never did that homework, it's still on my desk :P
    I get so pre-occupied with my thoughts haha
    thanks for commenting!
