Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Best Friends" (my ass.)

Back to yesterdays topic.

I had a "best friend" in year 8. One day I noticed a change in her, such as she was being bitchier than usual and more attention seeking. Plus she had been watching me like a hawk! But anyway, one day she just decided to turn on me and literally run away from me and my other friend, tell me lies, give me evils and call me a bitch.

Before I knew it she had turned the majority of my friends on me and was sending rumours around the school that I was a bitch and completely untrustworthy. She even degraded herself enough to send me a delightful bunch of daily comments my myspace, detailing how she sees me, a "stupid slut" or saying that "no-one likes you, everyone hates you" and "you think you're so pretty, but your actually an ugly c*** face whos fat".

And get this. I never did anything to her.

But you know what they say, "when one door closes, another door opens". So I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and ran straight through the open door. What awaited through that door was not only a different chapter of my life, but a new me.
I had left a part of myself behind the closed door that I'd never get back. It was the part of me that could so easily trust and rely on someone. I've realised how much harder it is now to trust someone like I did then, but "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" and it really taught me something, and it took me a step closer to becoming an adult.

But, everything happens for a reason right? I now have one best friend who was there all along, and she is like my oxygen. Cant live without her. I have a whole group of better friends now and I know myself better as a person, as in who I am, what I think is right or wrong, what I want ect.

And those instincts came in handy at this party I was at recently. One of my friends from my "inner circle" saw me happily flirting with this boy I was starting to like, naturally (for her) she got all jealous, and when I let him go for one second, she pounced like a cat on its prey.

I could've killed her. Honestly. She was acting like the biggest floozy I've ever seen.

But she stayed with him for ages, even though she has all these other bloody guys she's "interested" in. Obviously a few weren't enough. She had to go and steal the boy I was clearly flirting with. Friends do not do that. If you see a friend flirting with a guy, you encourage her and say things like "ooh lucky you", you don't bloody steal him!!!

As you can tell I'm still a little hurt... maybe it's because I called her the next day and she denied anything happened. I believed her like an idiot. Well half-believed. It's that gut feeling. But the thing is, I just found out via another friend of mine that they actually did hook up. I couldn't believe it. I was in tears full of emotions;hurt, betrayal, anger, a tad of jealousy (which is normal, I HAD HIM FIRST!). And she must think she has the upper-hand, thinking I'm believing everything she's saying. Well sorry if I thought I could trust you biatch.

I haven't confronted her about it yet. It's the holidays so there hasn't been an opportunity, as I haven't seen her.
I really wouldn't even know where to start. Because if she lied to me about this, how many oer things has she lied to me about? It makes me sick just thinking about it.

I think it's ironic that I was actually watching Mean Girls the other night. I thought it was quite sad how bitchy those girls could be, and how they could sink so low. But then again, thats the deal in real life too.

Well, all these emotions and letting it out onto the poor people reading this has taken it's toll on me and I am *yawn* tired.

If anyone wants to offer advice on what I should do or say to this girl, please let me know, coz I'd like to hear suggestions :)


P.s. Follow me and I'll follow you ;)

1 comment:

  1. crazy situation. finally another blogger who rants!! I'm following. Blog on!
