Friday, September 30, 2011

Guess who's back ;)


It has definitely been a while.
I think you deserve to know why I was gone, you must've had some sort of withdrawals from my witty humour :)
During my blog absence, I was sailing the seven seas in search of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the silver lining of the cloud, the meaning to all life. Otherwise known as the quest towards one's self. Finding out who you are.
I didn't really dedicate every breath of every minute to it, but during the time I wasn't blogging I found out a whole new lot of stuff about myself which up until its discovery, was a total secret.
For example, I never knew that I had the ability to sing. Really sing. Belt it out at the top of my lungs. I'm not saying I'm extremely talented, or I have the "X-Factor" or whatever, but what I mean is that I can feel the song spiralling out of my lungs when I sing. It's a feeling I didn't know I could access, and even if you can't sing for shit, you seriously have to try it.

Anyway, getting a bit off topic there. My main point is, that I am back!
I'm going to hopefully get around one blog done a month, it's the only way I can realistically get something done. So, I hope to extend my crazy thoughts out for ages to come!

Also, I've been thinking about ditching this website and transferring to Tumblr, so if and when I do, I'll give you my details if you have a Tumblr and miss me enough :)

I have to get going now, it's mating season and there's a frisky male cat coming onto my two females and I think they're getting a bit weirded out. Much like people!


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